皇冠428428娱乐娱城: 学术报告
皇冠428428娱乐娱城:Gluing and lifting exact model structures for recollements of exact categories
题 目:Gluing and lifting exact model structures for recollements of exact categories
报告人:胡江胜 教授(杭州师范大学)
摘要:A recollement of exact categories can be regarded as a short exact sequence of exact categories where the functors involving admit both left and right adjoints. In this talk, we first provide an explicit procedure to glue together hereditary exact model structures for recollements of exact categories. By cotorsion pairs, we then investigate the gluing of complete hereditary cotorsion pairs along recollements of exact categories. Moreover, we discuss lifting recollements of hereditary exact model structures to recollements of their associated homotopy categories. This yields a new method to produce recollements of triangulated categories. Applications are given to contraderived categories, projective stable derived categories and stable categories of Gorenstein injective modules over a triangular matrix ring. This talk is based on a joint work with Haiyan Zhu and Rongmin Zhu.
报告人简介:胡江胜教授主要从事同调代数与代数表示理论等领域的研究,科研兴趣包括范畴逼近理论、同调维数、Gorenstein同调理论与复形的相对上同调理论等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、数学天元基金项目等科研项目,在Israel J. Math.,J. Algebra,J. Pure Appl. Algebra,Sci. China Math.等国内外数学期刊上共发表学术论文40余篇。